*Forgot to post so am going to post it today because why not! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

If everything goes as planned this blog post will be uploaded on Christmas Day, so Merry Christmas! I hope you have a great day with family and friends and I hope Santa was good to you!
I know this tag is not book related but it is Christmas Day so a Christmas Tag is compulsory...of course I was not tagged by anyone to do this but I typed in Christmas Tag and decided to do the first one that came up so before I go on with the tag this tag was created by a blog called Make Up Savvy and you can find their original tag post here
1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?
I LOVE Christmas movies but if I had to choose one it would be Miracle on 34th Street the 1994 version. I love this movie I would say my twin brother and I have watched this movie at least 100 times by now...but because I always have to cheat on these things Elf has to get a mention too, because who doesn't love Elf?

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
I know a lot of people have a tradition of opening one gift on Christmas Eve but in our house we have to wait till Christmas Morning to open our presents, this is just the way we have always done it so I don't really feel like I am missing out on any tradition by not opening a present on Christmas Eve. Although we do have a tradition of getting a new set of fuzzy warm Christmas pajamas to wear for Christmas Eve/Morning!
3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I think my favourite Christmas memory is when I was about 6 years old and we got a letter from 'Santa' inviting us to see him where he lives in Lapland, so we went to Lapland for 3 days and you had to spend the first two days on a tour thing searching for Santa and then when you found him he had our wishlists in his hand and gave us something off our list and he knew are likes/dislikes,etc. While there we met reindeer, husky, elves and we drank gallons of hot chocolate. As you can tell at 6 years old this was a very magical experience for me and one I will never forget.
4. Favourite festive food?
So hard to choose, I love the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, carrots and gravy of Christmas dinner ( I'll pass on the Brussels sprouts). I love the tins of chocolate Quality Streets, Roses, Celebrations and Heros. I love stuffing my face with the overpriced chocolate you receive in selection boxes, I love all the festive food my mum makes, I love the big Irish fry-up we have on Christmas morning and I love the Christmas Pudding that my granny makes every year to enjoy for the next Christmas. This year I am trying to be healthy though so no chocolate for me! Overall I would say Christmas Pudding as it's something we only have at Christmas.
5. Favourite Christmas gift?
The best Christmas gift I have ever received....maybe my iPod touch 4th generation I received it the Christmas of 2012 and have used it everyday since so it has definitely been one of my most used presents of all time anyway!
6. Favourite Christmas scent?
I think the number one scent I associate with Christmas is the smell of the Christmas tree. In our house we have never had a fake tree always a real tree, and although the pine needles usually went everywhere the smell of the Christmas tree filled the house...I love that scent.
7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
When we were smaller we used to have a tradition that everyone slept in Mum and Dad's bed Christmas Eve...I think I started this tradition as I was kind of scared of the idea of Santa landing on the roof or something, I just felt safer in my mum's bed...thinking back on it now that must have been a real pain as I probably woke up every 10 minutes as I was just too excited to go asleep....they must have gotten no sleep...I am so sorry Mom.
8. What tops your tree?
At the top of our Christmas tree we have a plain white angel, as far as I can remember we never had a star or anything just always the angel, but may Dad always had to put it on top of the tree as I was not tall enough.
9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
Every year without fail I would ask for a puppy, I remember some years all I would ask for would be puppy, puppy, puppy,puppy,puppy....and I never received a puppy from Santa. Although after many years of persuading my parents we got a dog ( although not for Christmas) 5 years ago , his name is Brandy and he is a golden retriever!
10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
There is no one part of Christmas that is my favourite, obviously Christmas Morning is great but as a kid and still now as a teen I love the whole atmosphere of Christmas....the count down to Christmas and opening your advent calender every morning to a small square of chocolate, staying up late to watch the late late toy show and eat your weight in sweets and coke floats (Only the Irish people will understand this one), the excitement of writing your Christmas list and sending it up the chimney for the elves and setting out the plate of cookies, milk and a carrot for Rudolph before heading off to bed on Christmas Eve. Not being able to get a wink of sleep all night and waking the parents up at 6 in the morning to see if Santa came...opening presents, Christmas breakfast...dinner..the days that follow, there is too many things I love about Christmas I could rant on and on forever.
That's all from me for now for the Christmas Tag, Christmas is my favourite time of year and I hope you our all having a great Christmas...and just in case you have not heard it enough already...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
That's all from me for now for the Christmas Tag, Christmas is my favourite time of year and I hope you our all having a great Christmas...and just in case you have not heard it enough already...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?
Ah, there's SO many, I love National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, Home Alone, Elf, The Santa Clause etc. but one that I watch every year, without fail is The Snowman on Christmas eve. I absolutely adored the Snowman and The Snow dog. My dad bought me the little plushie last year, so cute.
2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
Always on Christmas morning (usually whilst scoffing Christmas chocolate) We usually get new Christmas Pyjamas on Christmas Eve, but we save the present opening for Christmas day morning.
3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
My parents always used to go all out at Christmas. We'd come downstairs to presents, balloons, reindeer prints made out of glitter, red and white tape for the north pole, it was so magical as kids!
4. favourite festive food?
Aside from chocolate...Roast potatoes during Christmas dinner, so many roast potatoes.
5. Favourite Christmas gift ?
I can't remember how old I was, but it was the year of the Furby. I'm sure there were small riots amongst the shelves in Toys R us. My parents pretended they couldn't get me one but then it was hidden behind the sofa! (anyone else hide theirs in the wardrobe at night, they were so creepy!)
6. Favourite Christmas scent?
Christmas dinner cooking, mmm or the smell of the Christmas tree!
7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
Just that it's family time, we'll usually all have wine, the fire on, lots of yummy food and sit down in our new pyjamas to watch Christmas films.
8. What tops your tree?
For years and years it was a little gold vintage angel, my dad always lifted me up to put it on the tree, when I was a kid... at the very end of decorating everything. She was always kind of wonky and worn looking, but it was tradition. These days it's a big gold glittery star.
9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
Not in an ungrateful way. I mean, I used to circle half of the Argos catalogue!But every year I would ask for a dog, without fail. One year my parents brought it a huge box, with holes in and something was moving. I was certain it was a puppy...it was a rabbit ha ha Still one of the best pets I've ever had though. Then last year, I finally bought myself my own Christmas puppy :) Oscar on the 21sr of December. He was certainly worth the wait.
10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Spending time with my loves ones, friends and family, after eating Christmas dinner, watching Only fools and Horses episodes that we've seen ten times already. Watching the snow fall and generally having a lovely time.
- See more at: http://milkbubbletea.blogspot.co.uk/#sthash.eOak9PKB.dpufJust that it's family time, we'll usually all have wine, the fire on, lots of yummy food and sit down in our new pyjamas to watch Christmas films.
8. What tops your tree?
For years and years it was a little gold vintage angel, my dad always lifted me up to put it on the tree, when I was a kid... at the very end of decorating everything. She was always kind of wonky and worn looking, but it was tradition. These days it's a big gold glittery star.
9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
Not in an ungrateful way. I mean, I used to circle half of the Argos catalogue!But every year I would ask for a dog, without fail. One year my parents brought it a huge box, with holes in and something was moving. I was certain it was a puppy...it was a rabbit ha ha Still one of the best pets I've ever had though. Then last year, I finally bought myself my own Christmas puppy :) Oscar on the 21sr of December. He was certainly worth the wait.
10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Spending time with my loves ones, friends and family, after eating Christmas dinner, watching Only fools and Horses episodes that we've seen ten times already. Watching the snow fall and generally having a lovely time.
1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?
Ah, there's SO many, I love National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, Home Alone, Elf, The Santa Clause etc. but one that I watch every year, without fail is The Snowman on Christmas eve. I absolutely adored the Snowman and The Snow dog. My dad bought me the little plushie last year, so cute.
2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
Always on Christmas morning (usually whilst scoffing Christmas chocolate) We usually get new Christmas Pyjamas on Christmas Eve, but we save the present opening for Christmas day morning.
3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
My parents always used to go all out at Christmas. We'd come downstairs to presents, balloons, reindeer prints made out of glitter, red and white tape for the north pole, it was so magical as kids!
4. favourite festive food?
Aside from chocolate...Roast potatoes during Christmas dinner, so many roast potatoes.
5. Favourite Christmas gift ?
I can't remember how old I was, but it was the year of the Furby. I'm sure there were small riots amongst the shelves in Toys R us. My parents pretended they couldn't get me one but then it was hidden behind the sofa! (anyone else hide theirs in the wardrobe at night, they were so creepy!)
6. Favourite Christmas scent?
Christmas dinner cooking, mmm or the smell of the Christmas tree!
7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
Just that it's family time, we'll usually all have wine, the fire on, lots of yummy food and sit down in our new pyjamas to watch Christmas films.
8. What tops your tree?
For years and years it was a little gold vintage angel, my dad always lifted me up to put it on the tree, when I was a kid... at the very end of decorating everything. She was always kind of wonky and worn looking, but it was tradition. These days it's a big gold glittery star.
9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
Not in an ungrateful way. I mean, I used to circle half of the Argos catalogue!But every year I would ask for a dog, without fail. One year my parents brought it a huge box, with holes in and something was moving. I was certain it was a puppy...it was a rabbit ha ha Still one of the best pets I've ever had though. Then last year, I finally bought myself my own Christmas puppy :) Oscar on the 21sr of December. He was certainly worth the wait.
10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Spending time with my loves ones, friends and family, after eating Christmas dinner, watching Only fools and Horses episodes that we've seen ten times already. Watching the snow fall and generally having a lovely time.
- See more at: http://milkbubbletea.blogspot.co.uk/#sthash.eOak9PKB.dpuJust that it's family time, we'll usually all have wine, the fire on, lots of yummy food and sit down in our new pyjamas to watch Christmas films.
8. What tops your tree?
For years and years it was a little gold vintage angel, my dad always lifted me up to put it on the tree, when I was a kid... at the very end of decorating everything. She was always kind of wonky and worn looking, but it was tradition. These days it's a big gold glittery star.
9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
Not in an ungrateful way. I mean, I used to circle half of the Argos catalogue!But every year I would ask for a dog, without fail. One year my parents brought it a huge box, with holes in and something was moving. I was certain it was a puppy...it was a rabbit ha ha Still one of the best pets I've ever had though. Then last year, I finally bought myself my own Christmas puppy :) Oscar on the 21sr of December. He was certainly worth the wait.
10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Spending time with my loves ones, friends and family, after eating Christmas dinner, watching Only fools and Horses episodes that we've seen ten times already. Watching the snow fall and generally having a lovely time.
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